Busy as a Bee

The swarming and buzzing of honey bees indicate Spring’s arrival. When it comes to bees, my oldest son Branden avoids them at all cost. Just the sight of them propels him into a fight or flight mode. I pretty much maintain a love/hate relationship. I love the honey they produce, I hate the trauma they can cause if you get stung by them.  So, I just let them do their thing and leave them alone. But I did a little research on the honey bees and discovered some interesting findings about God’s busy little creations.

A beehive must remain at a certain temperature to preserve the honey, wax and eggs inside. So, the bees lower the temperature by fanning their wings or they raise it by vibrating their flight muscles. The bees work according to their divine purpose.

Their honeycomb looks like a mass of wax, but under the top layer you’ll find an intricate sequence of amber and butter gold hexagons. The six-sided shape provides the most possible storage using the smallest amount of wax. God’s workmanship—His design of the bees—is both beautiful and practical. And if you love honey, you can savor mouthwatering sweetness since bees produce different flavors based on the nectar they get.

But the most interesting finding stemmed from simply observing bees. They work together in harmony doing exactly what God intended them to do. These little creatures, designed for a specific purpose, just get busy and follow His divine will.

What if this could be said of us? We too are God’s creation. Ephesians 2:10 states, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. But are we busy walking in them? Are we doing exactly what He intended for us to do? Are we living according to our divine purpose?

God’s design of our bodies is also beautiful and practical. In fact, we are fearfully and wonderfully made to fulfill our purpose. The real question boils down to this: do our lives produce mouthwatering sweetness to the Lord?

Like the bees, it would be wise to do what He created us to do. Instead of depending on our feeble efforts, we ought to just rely on His divine will. We and all of God’s creations are part of a grand design and our task is simply to fulfill our purpose and glorify the Father.

God appears to delight in honey. He promised to deliver the Israelites to the promise land—”…a good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey” (Ex. 3:8). Manna, the food God used to sustain the Israelites in the wilderness, was described as “white, and its taste was like wafers with honey” (Ex. 16:31). God wants to give us mouthwatering sweetness, but what do we want to give God.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not letting a bee out do me. I want to be busy living according to His divine purpose. If I do, my life will be sweeter than honey to the Lord. Why? Simply…

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ConsiderationsRyan Noble