Pat Noble

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is founder and owner of NOBLE COLLECTIONS, a Christian-based company engaged in providing products and services that educate, encourage, inspire and present moral messages to youth and adults. Cute, which stands for Covered Until The End, is the premier brand created by NOBLE COLLECTIONS. Cute provides encouragement to teenage girls and women to help them develop strong positive images and self-worth. The company’s mission is to guide individuals to their identification and relationship in Christ, so they can experience the truth and live out their God given purpose.

As a former independent consultant working with various corporate organizations, Pat specialized in workforce development and training. She facilitated class-room instructions and training with expertise in the areas of leadership, empowerment, coaching skills, negotiation techniques, presentation and communications skills, diversity and systems teller training. Pat assisted in course curriculum development and other training-related activities to support optimum learning experiences. She spoke for public and on-site seminars and summits. Some of her clients included Verizon Communications Inc., SAVI Learning Inc. (Shell Oil Netherlands), SkillPath Seminars, and Wachovia.

Pat is an active member of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas, Texas under the leadership of Dr. Tony Evans.  She served as the drama director of several church-wide productions and wrote and directed numerous skits. She is also the author of the book "Are You Cute?"

Combining her years of experience as a facilitator, trainer, speaker, and drama director, Pat is now producing high quality, wholesome, inspiring live theatrical shows for the entire family. 

Pat is married to Tony and they reside in Southlake, Texas. They are the proud parents of three children: Shawn (who is with the Lord), Branden and Ryan (Danielle) and three beautiful grandchildren, Noah, Mathai, and Ryan Judge. 

To contact Pat Noble for a speaking engagement, please fill out the Speaking Requests Form below.